Sunday, March 16, 2008

Dark side ... dub side?

I usually don't post anything like this since as a struggling ex-artist I understand that illegal sharing is problematic for the smaller, almost unknown artists, but my friend suggested I take a look and a listen to the next album and compare it to the original - to make a long story short: I loved the compilation and wanted to share it with everyone... And what can I say: it's probably one of the most solid albums I have heard in a while... and has nothing to envy the original. Please pay attention to Dub Sides version of TIME and MONEY (listen to what the clocks are... at the very beginning of the song).

I will give you that unfortunately the Dub side cannot be listened as a complete LP (since they don't do a very good editing version - sorry folks: the syncing will not work with the Wizard of Oz) - just like the original version, it is a pretty solid record in a very dub version.

So without further blah blah blah....
Here it is:

DUB SIDE OF THE MOON - Easy Star All-Stars

You can download the original from here:

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Swimming pool Rules - EN ESPAÑOL!

This is for those of you that always want to go to the pool.... in the middle of the summer:

Just in case you cannot read everything - REGLAMENTO USO PIXCINAS

1. Coloquese su traje de baño antes del chapuzon y una vez en el agua mantengase con el puesto.

2. Tome una "PEQUEÑA DUCHA" antes de entrar a las pixcinas

3. No ingiera o succione alimentos y/o/u bebidas dentro del agua.

4. Manten ojo pelao con tus chamos (one of my favorites)

5. Prohibido los clavados porque el nivel del agua es bajo y podrias quedar clavado TU! (Very true)

6. No se permiten las bombas, en especial a los gorditos porque podrian sacar toda el agua de las piscinas (sorry Fatty Patty!)

7. Mosca con correr alrededor de las pixcinas - podrias rodar.

8. Hazle caso a los Bayguacharos como si fueran sus madres, padres, representantes o responsables, asi es como es!

9. Los baños estan cerca, tu entiendes (yes please, no warm water going around!)

10. Permitido bucear, pero mosca si te pillan.

NOTA: Esto es en Serio (Translation: NOTE - this is for real, word up!)

Wednesday, March 12, 2008


For those that love a good remake!

From our friends in Balliwood!

New York, New York

I'm finally catching up with work... and had time to read the news.

What do I find... NY GOVERNOR RESIGNS! He cites personal failings.... mmm let me see... He's courageous enough to design a fool-proof system to persecute everything, pimps-hoes, corrupted politicians, Wall Street crooks-a guy that built up his career on enforcing ethics in public life... is now resigning effective on Monday morning... for being tied to an escort scandal.... WTF!!!

Of course, his wife was next to him, while many politicians were threatening with impeachment... yes impeachment ... sounds familiar?

Ohh politics... doesn't it seem a bit too coordinated with the Clinton Campaign 08 and the kinda debacle that is going now in the Democratic race?

I'm telling you, Americans boast about being extremely liberal in many issues... Republicans and democrats use the same rhetoric about their differences... but at the end of the day... are we really that liberal?